Laboratory of Micrometeorology                

             Developing researches

The Micrometeorology Group investigates the meteorological processes of small scales (time scale smaller than 1 hour and spatial scale smaller than 1 km) and the interaction between the atmosphere and Earth's surface, with special emphasis on air-sea interaction processes. Momentum, heat, water vapor, various gases and particulate matter are vertically transported through turbulence in the atmospheric boundary layer, providing favorable environmental conditions for plants and animals on the Earth. These exchanges are important providing energy and water vapour into the atmosphere determining the weather conditions and the weather patterns. The transport of pollutant in the planetary boundary layer (PBL) and its deposition on the surface are also investigated.

The Micrometeorology Group of the IAG USP is composed by two laboratories:
  1. Micrometeorology Laboratory.

    Principal investigator: Amauri Pereira de Oliveira.


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