Group of Micrometeorology

Developing researches

IAG Platform - MCity Brazil Project

In the micrometeorological platform of IAG-USP are carried out measurements of:

  • Global solar radiation (pyranometer,starded 1997);

  • Diffuse radiation (pyranometer and shadow band device, starded 1997);

  • Direct beam (pyrheliometer and a sun tracker);


  • Longwave emission form the atmosphere (pyrgeometer)


  • Air temperature e relative humidity;

  • Atmospheric pressure;

  • Rain;

  • Net radiation and albedo (starded 2009);

  • Wind speed and direction (started in 2010);

  • Turbulence:  Ux, Uv, Uz (starded in 2012);

  • CO2 and H2O (starded in 2012);


These observations are taken continuously since April 1994 on the campus of the University of São Paulo, Butantã, West side of São Paulo city (23.4°S, 46.7°W, 742m). All measurements are carried with sample frequency of 0.2 Hz, and are stored as 5 minutes average values. The Micrometeorological Platform is localizated in Rua do Matão, 1226 - São Paulo/SP - Cidade Universitária.

The main goal of these observations is to evaluate the urban characteristic of the microclimate of São Paulo city and the role played by the atmospheric pollution.

Click here to access the scenario of the observed data on the platform of mircrometeorology.


Pesquisador Responsável: Amauri Pereira de Oliveira.