Courses - Post graduation

Group of Micrometeorology - IAG/USP

Advanced Topics on Planetary Boundary Layer Meteorology - AGM 5729

Objective: This discipline is indicated to graduate students that have successfully taken Micrometeorology (AGM 5804). The main goal is to expand the understanding on physical process that controls the temporal and spatial evolution of the Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL). It accomplishes that by reviewing the main turbulence closure theories and the most update PBL modeling techniques and focusing on the objective evaluation of the atmospheric pollutants dispersion.

Rationale: Accurate information about the temporal and spatial evolution of the PBL is essential for an objective description of pollutant dispersion in the atmosphere. An update description of the main PBL modeling techniques focusing on turbulence closure theory will contribute to a more accurate monitoring and management of the environmental problems caused by pollution.

Main topics: (i) Zero order closure models (diagnostic models based on Similarity Theories), (ii) ½ order closure models (entrainment parameterizations and mixing layer models for thermodynamic, dynamic and atmospheric pollutants), (iii) First order closure models (K Theory and Mixing Length Theory) (iv) Second Order Closure models (model formulation, parameterization of third order terms), (v) Large Eddy Simulation models (LES model formulation and applications) and (vi) Surface-Atmosphere Interactions models (formulation and applications).

Bibliography: Chen, C.J. and Jaw, S.Y., 1998: Fundamentals ofTurbulence Modeling, Taylor and Francis. 292 pp.
Galperin, B. and S. A. Orszag, 1993: Large eddy simulation of complex engineering and geophysical flows.
Garrat, J.R., 1992: The Atmospheric Boundary Layer, Cambridge University Press,
Kaimal, J.C. and J.J. Finnigan, 1994: Atmospheric boundary layer flows-their structure and measurement. Oxford University press. 289 pp.
Lesieur, M. O. Métais, P. Comte, 2005: Large Eddy Simulations of Turbulence. Cambridge Univeristy Press, 218 pp.
Métais, O. and J. Ferziger, 1997: New tools in turbulence rnodellinq: Springer-Verlag GmbH and Co. KG, Heidelberg, 1997, 298 pp.
Nieuwstadt, F.T.M. and H.von Dop, 1982: Atmospheric Turbulence and Air Pollution Modelling, D.Reidel, Dorbrecht, 358 pp.
Panofsky, H.A. and J.A. Dutton, 1984: Atmospheric Turbulence - Models and Methods for Engineering Applications, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 397 pp. .
Sorbjan, Z., 1989: Struclure of lhe Atmospheric Boundary Layer, Prentice, New Jersey, 317pp
Stull, R.B. 1989: An Introduction to Boundary Layer Meteorologia, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dorbrecht, 666 pp.
Wyngaard, J.C.,2010: Turlbulence in the Atmosphere. Cambridge University Press, Cambrídqe , UK, 393 PP.

Requirement: Micrometeorologia - AGM 5804